I’d consider myself a handbag addict. I love a pretty purse and have a handful of beautiful ones in my collection. However, I’m one of those handbag lovers who likes the lesser-known brands. I also rather carry a bag that…
How I Organize Needlepoint Supplies
So many needlepoint friends have asked me to give an update on how I organize my needlepoint supplies, so I’m back with a new post sharing the best ways I’ve found to organize. My needlepoint journey began in late-February of…
Spa-Like Primary Bathroom Makeover {Before & After}
In 2021 my mom, husband and I embarked on our first flip-house project and renovation. It was a labor of love and ultimately sold to a lovely buyer. I chronicled the journey extensively on social media, but life got in…
How Does Veronica Beard Fit? The Ultimate Guide
Get to Know the Fit of Various Clothing Items by Veronica Beard (+ Popular Styles) Designers of Veronica Beard: Veronica Swanson Beard and Veronica Miele Beard. Image Courtesy of Veronica Beard’s main website. Most widely known for their iconic signature…
How to make a floral arrangement using chicken wire
The simple hack we never knew would be the key to creating your own at home statement floral arrangements! Here today to share with you how to make a floral arrangement using chicken wire! It’s so easy and simple, you’ll…
Our Baby Essentials for 8 months old
What a sweet age! Our precious Olivia is a few days away from 8 months old and I just can’t get over how quickly time has flown by, but also how much fun we’re having each month, each week and…